Mía Fernanda Reyes Máximo 1°H sección 3


Activity 4. Present simple


  • repeated actions

My friend often draws nice posters.

I never drink orange juice.

  • things in general
The sun rises in the east.
Cats drink milk.

  • fixed arrangements, scheduled events
The plane flies to London every Monday.
We have English on Tuesdays and Fridays

  • sequence of actions in the present 

First I get up, then I have breakfast.

After school I switch on my computer, then I check my emails and after that I play my favourite game.

  • instructions

Open your books at page 34.

Don't shout at me!

  • with special verbs – which are normally not used with the Present Progressive (These verbs express states, possessions, feelings etc.)

I understand English.

He doesn't like fish.


The Present Simple tense is the most basic tense in English and uses the base form of the verb (except for the verb be). The only change from the base is the addition of s for third person singular.

I like coffee

She likes coffee

Affimative statements

• :) + Verb + (s, es, ies)

 He starts 

 I start

Negative statements

:) + do/does + not + verb


 I don't start

 She doesn't start


do/does + :) + verb + ?

 Does it start?

 Do you start?
